Lunch Club and the Local Primary School get Creative!

Published: 28/11/2023

Lunch Club and the Local Primary School get Creative!


At Right at Home Bristol we are very proud of our community connections, especially our partnership with The Park Primary School. and Holy Trinity Church, Kingswood

Bernadette (our Community Coordinator) was approached by Reverend Beverley with an exciting opportunity that we could get the children and older people involved in at Lunch Club.

Beverley asked us if we would be able to think up names for the Snowmen Trail in Kingswood, hosted by The Church, The Skills Hub and Kings Chase Shopping Centre, we were also asked to create some snowmen artwork to advertise and promote the trail.

We were more than happy to oblige and on Friday 24th November, year 6 from The Park Primary School attended Lunch Club to assist us with this.

Collectively we named 23 Snowmen and created even more snowmen pictures. It was lovely to see the children and older people's creative differences, to see them working as a team to think up names and sharing their ideas.

Lots of cotton wool, glue and paint were used, as you can see from the pictures it was a fantastic team effort and thoroughly enjoyable by all who were involved!


Box of knitted snowmen for community trailPictures of snowman art created by children and older people