Mayor visits singing group for people with dementia

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Published: 30/03/2023

The Mayor of Whitehill, Councillor Leeroy Scott recently visited Singing for the Mind, which is a weekly group for people living with dementia.

At the special, extended session, people were able to enjoy a morning of singing, painting and a lunch provided by The Beehive. There was also a presentation about Right at Home’s dementia support programme which is scientifically proven to delay the progression of dementia symptoms. Councillor Scott gave a short speech in which he praised the dementia support programme and described it as the ‘best thing to come out of Bordon in a long time!’.

Claire Skilton who is the Registered Manager at Right at Home Alton and Bordon says: “We were delighted to welcome the Mayor to Singing for the Mind which has become a popular activity for local residents living with dementia. The session provides an opportunity for them to engage with others in their community while enjoying the therapeutic benefits of singing.

“The Mayor’s visit and his kind words were truly appreciated. Community-based initiatives such as Singing for the Mind offer critical support to individuals and families impacted by dementia so the more people who know about the help and support available, the better.”

Singing for the Mind is run by Right at Home Alton and Bordon in in partnership with Whitehill and Bordon Community Trust. It is held every Monday from 10.45am-12pm at the Beehive, Hogmoor Inclosure in Prince Philip Park.

There is no charge for taking part but a small donation to cover costs is welcomed.