Macmillan Coffee Morning

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Published: 29/09/2017

Friday 29th September 2017 we had our Macmillan Coffee morning here at our Right at Home Bristol office.

We had a lovely morning eating delicious cake, drinking coffee and having a good chat with our clients. It was so lovely that our clients made it to our office, and got to meet some of our new carers who were in for training.

Our lovely carer Heather and her daughter, made some scrumptious baileys and vanilla cupcakes. A massive thank you and well done for their excellent baking skills! We can’t wait for the next coffee morning we have to get the chance to eat some more!

Our Star Baker was our Register Manager, Colin’s lovely wife. She made us a very popular Gin cake, which went down a treat with both our clients and carers. Our clients asked for the Gin cake to be our Star Bake. Very well deserved!!

A big thank you again to all that attended and supported the morning, it is for a fantastic cause. The work Macmillan do is amazing.