Lady on trampoline

How to keep active & mobile

Published: 01/03/2023

How to keep active & mobile

With spring in motion and summer fast approaching, now is a good time to start getting outside to exercise and keep fit.

It’s important to keep active to live a healthy life and stay fit, but it's also so important to remember that exercise doesn't need to be overly challenging and can be as simple as a slow walk in the park or even chair based movements. If you make it fun, it’ll feel easy.

Walking is a simple exercise that keeps you fit. You can change the incline, speed, and distance, so you can do what works you, and you can visit new places by using walking routes you may have never seen before. Westmead open space is a great location for a scenic walk, local to Chippenham as well as John Coles park. The Recreation Ground in Calne is a great venue to enjoy a walk and some fresh air. 

Find a sport that interests you: There are so many sports to try. From football to netball to badminton. If you find a sport you really enjoy, it won’t feel like exercise. Why not sign up for a new sport and see if you can discover something new to enjoy.

Activity classes: Activity classes are great for being motivated by like-minded individuals. Everyone is there for some fun and to get fit. Being surrounded by others can motivate you and encourage you to keep it up. Age UK provide a range of exercise classes in our local community.

Light exercise at home: You can do simple exercises at home from 5 minutes a day. These exercises could include chair-based exercise, stretching, or more, depending on your level of fitness. The great thing about a home-based workout, is you can easily tailor this to meet your level of fitness.

Bike rides: Going on a bike ride with a friend can be lots of fun, and it is great for your health. Why not follow a local cycle route and discover some new places?

Swimming: Head down to your local pool for some exercise that works a range of muscles. Swimming is great for people with sore joints as the buoyancy of the water reduces the impact from your body weight.

With all these options we hope at least one would be enjoyable for you!