The Right at Home Chippenham Team Go the Extra Mile

Published: 11/07/2022

Recognising those that Go The Extra Mile (GEM) is so important in our company, however it is very challenging as all of our colleagues in the community go above and beyond every day in some way, shape or form to make our clients days brighter. Whether it is making them their favourite meal, remembering the way they take their favourite drink, helping them put on their favourite jumper associated with positive memories or remembering an important date such as their birthday, these happen on a daily basis, sometimes multiple times a day, which make choosing random ‘GEM’ winners all the more difficult.


We recently surprised Nicky & provided her with her ‘GEM’ award & we think you’ll agree it was definitely deserved.

One of Nicky’s regular clients wasn’t enjoying her regular microwave meals, and said she missed having weekly treats such as Fish and Chips from her local Chip Shop. Two weeks in a row, Nicky visited her client & asked during the morning visit if she would like Fish & Chips for lunch, and then organised and collected these prior to returning for the clients lunch call, leaving her client extremely happy having enjoyed her Fish & Chips. For days, our client kept telling her regular CareGivers how much she enjoyed the Fish & Chips, which just shows how the smallest acts of kindness can last for days.


On a different occasion, this same clients daughter got a new job, and our client wanted to get her something to say Congratulations. Unfortunately, our client wasn’t able to go out indepentently & get something for her daughter, so Nicky kindly went out, collected some flowers & dropped them off to the client in her own time, to allow our client to congratulate her daughter on her new job with some beautiful flowers. Our client fed back that being able to congratulate her daughter with flowers was a real treat for them both.

Keep your eyes peeled, as we have another GEM to announce very soon!