Congratulations to Ken and Eileen on their Sapphire Wedding anniversary

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Published: 24/09/2020

Congratulations to our clients Eileen and Ken who are celebrating their Blue sapphire anniversary and have been married 65 years today the 24th September – at 3pm to be exact!
In these years they have travelled the world together ad before moved up to Maidenhead they lived in Dorset and walked miles everyday.
Eileen has Parkinson’s and Ken recently suffered a stroke so we have a great regular CareGiver, Georgie who visits every day.
Georgie went in today and bought individual anniversary cards for them to give to each other as they hadn’t been able to leave the house due to Covid and picked out Eileen’s special Sapphire inspired dress!
Eileen and Ken still try and go for daily walks when they can and are as in love as they first were when they got married. Ah!