Tyler wins Right at Home Employee of the Month for Nov 2023

Tyler wins New CareGiver of the Year & Employee of the Month for Nov 2023

Published: 04/12/2023

Tyler, our New CareGiver of the Year and Employee of the Month for Nov 2023, is celebrated for his immense compassion and unwavering commitment to caregiving. Congratulations and keep up the fantastic work!

He explains a bit about himself and working in care and for Right at Home.

1. Tell me a little bit about yourself?
- My names Tyler, I'm from the United States. I'm passionate about helping others thanks to my grandparents and close friends growing up. I enjoy the outdoors, and learning about other cultures.

2. What were your first impressions of Right at Home?
- A friendly, welcoming environment that allowed me to be myself without fear.

3. Did you have any previous experience in care before you joined?
- I cared for my grandparents on both sides growing up, but professionally I've taken care of those with developmental disabilities for a period of 5 years.

4. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time when you are not caring?
- In my spare time I draw, read, go on walks, fish, experiment with cooking, or if nothing else play some video games.

5. What has surprised you most about working at Right at Home?
- The openness and willingness of staff to assist wherever needed, in contrast to American work culture.

6. What is the most challenging thing about being a carer?
- Learning British culture and terminology. Cooking beans on toast 

7. What do you enjoy most about working at Right at Home?
- The different people I meet, who share their different perspectives on their upbringing and background, I learn a lot about the world from the lovely stories our clients share.

8. What did you do before joining Right at Home?
- Worked with those with developmental disabilities in the United States in a live-in capacity, helping them with their daily needs.

9. What might we be surprised to know about you?
- Unfortunately I have a resting angry face, and some people are surprised I tend to be a happier than angry person.

10. What would you tell someone who is thinking about joining the team?
-Your coworkers/bosses are what makes or breaks a job, and you've got some good ones here

11. How do you think clients would describe you?
- Helpful, consistent, and talkative

12. Tell me how you first got involved with Right at Home?
- A YouTube video advertising high rated companies sponsoring care workers, wanted to move countries to be closer to my girlfriend at the time.