Menopause Support in Fareham, Gosport, Southampton & New Forest East | Menopause Awareness Month 2022

Published: 28/10/2022

Understanding the Menopause 

October is the World Health Organisation and the International Menopause Society's Awareness Month, it is all about raising awareness other Menopause and to educate people. This months aims to challenge the current stigma surrounding the Menopause and encourage people to have real, honest conversations about their experiences in order to raise awareness. At Right at Home Solent, the majority of our workforce have already, or will, experience the Menopause at some point in their life. At Right at Home Solent, we have an open-door policy, and in order for us to create an environment where all of our team members feel comfortable sharing the challenges and changes they face, we have been supporting the National Menopause Campaign and worked closely with our Office Manager, Ali, to shed some light on the effects of the Menopause and offer a powerful support system in the Workplace. 

If you'd like to check out our recent Blog in which Ali discusses her experience with the Menopause, her symptoms and how she deals with it in the workplace; follow this link -

What is the Menopause? 

In medical terms, the Menopause is when a woman's period stops due to low hormone levels. The decline in Oestrogen result in a number of changes in the body, often cause a range of symptoms for the person experiencing it. The Menopause typically happens during the ages of 45-55 but can happen even earlier, or even later. Symptoms can last anytime between 3 months and 10 years. 

Menopause Symptoms

There are a wide range symptoms someone can experience whilst going through the Menopause. It is important to remember that everyones Menopause journey is different; from the duration, to the symptoms they experience, the severity of the symptoms and the age in which it begins. There are some of the most common symptoms of the Menopause: 

  • Mood Changes/Anxiety
  • Heart Palpitations
  • Issues with Sleep
  • Tiredness 
  • Difficulty Concentrating 
  • Hot Flushes 
  • Poor Memory/Brain Fog
  • Headaches
  • Loss of Confidence 

If you'd like to read more information on the Menopause, please check out the NHS website, you can find the right page here:

Why Talk About Menopause?

The Menopause can be an extremely challenging for the person going through it; both physically and mentally. Still today, there is a stigma surrounding the Menopause which makes people feel as though they cannot discuss their experience with going through the Menopause or feel ashamed of it. It is a natural part of ageing for women; and every woman will go through it at some point. So it is important that we start talking about it and creating our own community; in which people can be open and honest without judgement. The more we talk about the Menopause, the more the stigma will be reduced; it's important for everyone to be talking about it, not just those experience it first-hand.

If you would like to have a chat with our lovely Ali about the Menopause, please don't hesitate to give her a call. You can contact Ali on 01329 233755. Right at Home Solent is here for you!


As a sector that is so widely made up of women, Social Care can offer you a supportive working environment during the Menopause. Why not browse our flexible opportunities today? Follow the link!