My Husband Has Dementia, What Help Can I Get?

Published: 16/03/2023

Here is Shirley, one of our Dementia Specialists

Dementia Care at Home

You wouldn't believe the amount of times we get asked, as a Care Company, "My Husband Has Dementia, What Help Can I Get", and that is what we're here for, to discuss all the options and the help available after going through a Dementia diagnosis. 

Establishing Dementia Care at Home

As one of the UK's Home Care provider, Right at Home Solent have an excellent team of 90+ CareGivers, covering Fareham, Gosport, Southampton & New Forest East, and providing premium Homecare. We have always offered Dementia Care, however, the The Dementia Support Programme is completely different to the hourly care that those clients are already receiving. The need for specialist Dementia care has never been greater; and we are proud to support our clients with Dementia stay in the comfort of their own homes for as long as it is possible. We understand for families and loved ones, a Dementia diagnosis is a-lot to take on, and caring for them, depending on the progression of their Dementia, can be hard also. 

Our DSP Case Study

he Dementia Support Programme is a specialised programme of Home Care that we started offering in 2022. We have initially offered the programme to our internal clients to get it going and the progress we have seen so far, has been amazing; it's exceeded all expectations. Where The Dementia Support Programme is focused on reducing the effects and symptoms of Dementia; and therefore our clients our clients care plans are designed to be completely personal to them, their Dementia, and the progression of their condition. Our biggest success story from the Dementia Support Programme is H.B., she is supported by our amazing Dementia Specialist, Shirley (as seen in the image on the left). The Dementia Support Programme has been scientifically backed by a research team at Cambridge University; it suggests that the impact of our lifestyles could be considered as pillars of proactive care offering to support those living with Dementia and their loved ones. Right at Home Solent is fully committed to supporting our clients to live well with Dementia; and this has never been more important. 

H.B. started her Dementia Support Sessions with Shirley about 8 months ago. The reason that H.B. is our 'case study' for the DSP is because the progress we've seen since starting her weekly sessions with Shirley, is amazing. She was our first ever client to try the DSP and it has been even more effective then we thought it would be. Since her Dementia diagnosis, one thing H.B. really suffered with, as a result, was anxiety, particularly when it came to leaving the house and remaining involved with society. However, since starting, the changes we've seen, are immense. H.B. now regularly goes out with the company and support of her Dementia Specialist, Shirley, one of their favourite places to visit is the local Garden Centre. Prior to starting her time with Shirley, our Registered Manager, Amanda, went and met H.B. and assessed her and her Dementia, and from there, that's how we created her personalised, 

What's Next?

If you would like to read more information on The Dementia Support Programme, please follow this link: or if you'd like to enquire about a different kind of care, please contact us today! You can contact our friendly team on 01329 233755 or email us at [email protected]

Check out our other Homecare Services in Fareham, Gosport, Southampton and New Forest East by following this link: