Tips to Keep Cool in Hot Weather

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Published: 01/08/2021

Gosh, the weather has been warm and humid in the past few weeks!  And, while we welcome the sunshine, we can struggle in the heat. So, we are sharing some of our top tips to keep cool in hot weather.

Stay Safe in The Sun.

Staying safe in the sun can reduce the risk to our health and well-being. Furthermore, each year, thousands of Brits end up in hospital as a result of the heat according to the NHS. Indeed, conditions such as severe sunburn, heat exhaustion or heat stroke are common. If temperatures are hot we need to keep ourselves and our loved one’s safe.

Manage the Risks in Hot Weather.

Hot weather can affect our health. Babies, older people those with existing health issues need to be extra careful.
According to the NHS, the main risks of heat exposure are:
• Dehydration.
• Overheating.
•Conditions such as heat exhaustion and heatstroke.

Heatstroke occurs when our body temperature reaches 40c or above. The signs of heat stroke are similar to heat exhaustion but, more serious. Look out for signs of dry skin, little perspiration and confusion. Our top tips may help you to keep cool in hot weather.

 Tips to Keep Cool in Hot Weather.
  • Avoid exercising during the hottest part of the day. This is between 11.00 am – 3.00 pm.
  • Alternatively, if you are outside, remember protection. Sunscreen, a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses help. What is more, try to walk in the shade and take a cool drink.
  •  A  cool shower helps comfort. In addition, sprinkling water over your skin or clothing throughout the day.  Using a damp cloth on the back of your neck will also work just as well.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Drinking alcohol or lots of fizzy drinks will dehydrate you.
  • Wear light, loose-fitting cotton clothes to keep cool.
Cool your House Hot Weather.
  • Close curtains and blinds during the day to keep your home cool.
  • Open your windows at night, not in the day. While it is tempting to open them during the day, do not. Moreover, keeping them closed keeps out the hot air. Allow the cool air to circulate in the evening.
  • If you are finding your home stifling, find a cool place to sit outside for a while.
Hot Weather and Sleep.

During hot spells, we have difficulty sleeping. Furthermore, we get irritated and hot in bed when temperatures are balmy. Getting a good nights sleep is essential to our health.

• Before going to bed, soak your feet in cool water for 10 minutes. You lose heat quickly through your feet and your head.
• Think about your sleep environment. Check the tog of your duvet. In the summer choose a tog rating between 2-7.
• If you’re using a fan, keep the door open. This will allow for air to flow around the room.
• Freeze a hot water bottle and take it to bed.

Visit the NHS website for further information and advice. Or, contact Right at Home Solent about the home care we can offer you.