Our Registered Manager Elsa celebrates 11 years with us!

Published: 31/07/2023

Our Registered Manager Elsa Hastings has just celebrated her 11th year with the company. 

Elsa originally joined the CareGiver team back in 2011, becoming the first CareGiver to join the team when Right at Home opened their doors to the people of East Lancashire. At the time, Elsa was studying at university to gain a degree in health and social care and was also mum to her young daughter, Ava.

It was clear that Elsa loved her role as CareGiver and certainly lived and breathed the Right at Home values, but Julie, our Managing Director Julie saw the potential and skill set she could offer within the office team and quickly promoted her to Care Coordinator. Elsa brought a wealth of experience from her previous office management role and with the support, encouragement and mentoring she received from Julie, Elsa was soon to progress to Registered Manager, a position she has happily and successfully held since.

Elsa stated “Julie really believed in me and gave me a massive opportunity to develop my career to become a Registered Manager, which was my ultimate goal. I feel very lucky that Julie saw something in me and has not only mentored me but has become a fantastic friend”.

Julie and Elsa continue to promote from within and this is evident from both the office team and senior care staff team, who all started their careers with Right at Home as CareGivers but have been hand-picked for other roles due their commitment to clients, dedication to the company and their own amazing skill sets. 

Career progression from within the Right at Home team is something that is extremely important – Julie and Elsa want the team to be able to grow and progress!

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